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发布时间:2017-04-16 16:21:06   发布人://keonnected.com
沼气增压泵属于低压气体压缩机,适用于燃烧气体-农村用沼气,煮饭 炒菜 烧水 照明(沼气灯);适用于水产养殖,鱼池增氧等无油 水气体压缩机.该产品具有连续不间断供气 气压稳定,传输距离大,能使火焰强劲有力,本产品采用了气路,电路隔离的结构形式,气体与电器元件不接触,安全可靠,经久耐用.
The biogas pressurized pump belongs to the low pressure gas compressor. It is suitable for the combustion gas - the rural biogas, the cooking and cooking and the water lighting (biogas lamp). It is suitable for the aquaculture, the fish pond and the oxygen free gas compressor. The product has a continuous uninterrupted air supply pressure, the transmission distance is large, the flame is strong and powerful, the product adopts the gas road, Circuit isolation structure, gas and electrical components do not touch, safe and reliable, durable.
1. 气密性好:从进气到出气口进行严格的气密性检测,不漏气. 交直流沼气增压泵2. 流量大,从0.3立方米/min 到90立方米/min.可以根据需要选择不同的机型.
1. air tightness is good: strict air tightness detection from air intake to air outlet, no air leakage. The 2. flow rate of AC and DC biogas booster pump is large, from 0.3 cubic meter /min to 90 cubic meter /min. can choose different models according to the needs.
3. 寿命长:气路和电路严格分开,不会因气体富含水气而影响电气寿命,
3., long life: gas circuit and circuit are strictly separated. It will not affect the electrical life due to gas rich in water vapor.
4. 维修性好:用简单工具和配件就能自己维修.
4., good maintainability: repair with simple tools and accessories.
5. the reflux device is set up on the unit, which can facilitate the opening and closing of the unit. It can also make a trace adjustment when the flow rate is large, and the unit can be closed when the pressure of the pipe does not need to be pressurized, and the return pipe will be opened naturally without the need of another pipe.
6. the pressure flow can be adjusted in a certain range.
有了气体增压泵上面的小总结,开云在线官方对广大客户有所帮助,如果有什么不理解的或者寻求帮助的请点击我们的官方网站://keonnected.com 者来电咨询,我们会尽全力为您解决
There is a small summary of the gas booster pump, hoping to help the customers. If there is anything that is not understood or ask for help, please click on our official website: //keonnected.com caller calls, we will do our best to solve the problem.
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