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发布时间:2020-03-05 16:45:03   发布人://keonnected.com
1: Appearance features: compared with the ordinary hydraulic blasting machine, the hydraulic blasting machine has more beautiful appearance, more compact and coordinated structure, and more smooth operation. The wide hydraulic blasting machine also pays attention to the materials, and the strict requirements of structure and materials create the special quality of the hydraulic blasting machine.
2: Mute and noise reduction: noise reduction is an important feature of hydraulic blasting test machine. The noise reduction device solves the problem of high noise in the working process of hydraulic blasting test machine. This hydraulic blasting test machine is especially suitable for the environment with high noise requirements.
3: Working speed: the hydraulic blasting test machine not only has the characteristics of noise reduction, but also runs fast. The noise reduction device not only solves the problem of high-intensity work of the equipment, but also solves the noise problem of the hydraulic blasting test machine when it works at high speed.
How to choose the hydraulic blasting pressure testing machine?
Here, the technicians also taught the skills of distinguishing the good from the bad hydraulic blasting machine
1. Look: the appearance of a good hydraulic blasting test machine is fine and of good quality, so the whole machine seems to have a high-level feeling; the appearance of a bad one seems to be rough, and the connection of various parts is not good, even individual parts are not flexible.
2.按:用手试按水压爆破试验机表面的控制件,做工好的控制键,触之感觉顺手,按压反应灵敏; 差的控制键触之感觉弹回效果不好。此外,还要检查仪表盘工作时数据是否准确。
2. Press: press the control part on the surface of the hydraulic blasting testing machine by hand. If the control key is well made, it feels easy to touch and sensitive to press; if the control key is poor, it doesn't bounce back well. In addition, it is necessary to check whether the data is accurate when the instrument panel is working.
In addition to the new hydraulic blasting test machine, the R & D products include: gas booster pump, air booster pump, gas-liquid booster pump and related pneumatic pressure stabilizing control equipment. The design is novel and the performance is unique. The products can achieve the advantages of "large output, fast speed, high precision, long service life, no leakage and energy saving".
有了气体增压泵上面的小总结,开云在线官方对广大客户有所帮助,如果有什么不理解的或者寻求帮助的请点击我们的网站://keonnected.com    或者来电咨询,我们会尽全力为您解决
With the summary of the gas booster pump, we hope to help our customers. If there is anything you don't understand or ask for help, please click our website: //keonnected.com Or call consultation, we will try our best to solve for you
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