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发布时间:2022-06-29 18:02:33   发布人://keonnected.com
The insufficient air pressure of the gas Booster pump may be caused by the following reasons:
1. 气源问题:检查供气管道是否正常,确保气源供应足够稳定和充足。如果是使用压缩气体作为气源,确定压缩气源是否正常工作,检查空气压缩机、气缸和过滤器等部件是否存在故障。
1. Air supply problem: check whether the air supply pipeline is normal, and ensure that the air supply is stable and sufficient. If the compressed air is used as the air source, determine whether the compressed air source works normally, and check whether the air compressor, cylinder, filter and other components have faults.
2. 泵体漏气:检查增压泵本身是否存在泄漏,这可能会导致气压下降。可以通过涂抹泡沫剂或者肥皂水在连接处寻找气泄漏的位置,然后进行修复或更换密封件。
2. Air leakage of pump body: check whether the Booster pump itself has leakage, which may cause the air pressure to drop. You can find the location of air leakage at the connection by applying foam agent or soapy water, and then repair or replace the seal.
3. 温度问题:气体增压泵的工作性能受环境温度的影响。如果环境温度过低或过高,可能会导致气体稠度变化,从而影响气体增压泵的气压输出。此时,可以采取措施,如加热或冷却泵体周围环境,以维持合适的工作温度。
3. Temperature problem: the working performance of the gas Booster pump is affected by the ambient temperature. If the ambient temperature is too low or too high, the gas consistency may change, which will affect the air pressure output of the gas Booster pump. At this point, measures can be taken, such as heating or cooling the surrounding environment of the pump body, to maintain a suitable working temperature.
4. 过滤器堵塞:增压泵通常会安装有过滤器来阻止杂质进入泵内部。如果过滤器堵塞或清洁不彻底,会限制气体流通,导致气体增压泵气压下降。因此,定期检查和清洗过滤器是必要的。
4. Filter blockage: Booster pump is usually equipped with a filter to prevent impurities from entering the pump. If the filter is blocked or not cleaned thoroughly, the gas flow will be restricted, resulting in the pressure drop of the gas Booster pump. Therefore, regular inspection and cleaning of filters is necessary.
If the above methods still cannot solve the problem of insufficient air pressure of the gas Booster pump, it is recommended to contact professional maintenance personnel for further inspection and maintenance to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.
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This article is provided by the gas Booster pump. Our website is: //keonnected.com We will provide you with wholehearted enthusiasm and welcome your visit!
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